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Bibles for America (BfA) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to give away free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and Christian books throughout the United States. The goal of our podcast is to help you to understand the Bible and to know God in a deeper way. To order your free copy of the New Testament Recovery Version visit

Jan 31, 2017

Whether we’re unsaved, newly saved, or have been Christians for a long time, we all have the same basic need—Jesus. We may need to receive Him for the first time, or we may need to receive Him into a particular situation. In this gospel podcast, we’ll see how we can invite Jesus into our turbulent life.


Jan 26, 2017

The crucifixion of Jesus is generally acknowledged as a defining event in human history. But why did Jesus have to die? His earthly life was perfect and his conduct irreproachable. He spoke words of wisdom and grace. He ministered to and cared for all kinds of people. Wasn’t it enough that His life is a good pattern...

Jan 24, 2017

We know in human relationships, people’s feelings for one another can fade over time. Sometimes the love between them even disappears altogether. People’s love can change. What about God’s?

Sometimes we enjoy God’s love intensely and feel confident in His love. Other times, we’re not so conscious of His love....

Jan 19, 2017

What comes to mind when we think of what it means to be a spiritual person?

We may picture someone who’s a deep thinker, who doesn’t care for material things, or who speaks in a mystical way. Perhaps we picture someone who’s involved in humanitarian works. Maybe we picture someone who leaves society to live a holy...

Jan 17, 2017

As Christians, we know from verses like Hebrews 9:12 that by the shedding of His own blood, Jesus Christ accomplished redemption for us. By believing in His redemption, we are saved. All our sins are forgiven because Jesus shed His blood for us.

But what about after we’re saved? How is the blood of Jesus applicable to...